I am not a super journalist just a knowledge junkie Sorry I did not edit very much on this grammar I really just don't have time right now.
So I do a lot of Pins on pinterest as I have told you in the past it makes it easier to make sales when
I get the pinterest up to a high amount of viewers ...You see so many things about making your hair long and
making your skin beautiful so one was put yogurt on your hair Well I did not have any yogurt but I have some
Kefir which is some form of a yogurt but it has high Ketones in it and I give it to my Father in law who has dementia a
he is soo much better on it. Then one day I wanted to do a treatment of yogurt in my hair after bleaching it beyond repair
Soooo as you see I thought well that sure has been in the fridge for a while and even though it is a culture I really
don't want it sooo close to my brain if it has gone bad.
As the nosey little virgo I am.... I google it what kind of mold grows on kefir ?
Well ya'll won't believe what I found out. So then it says
strong presence of Candida which is known for yeast infections but also linked to
when it turns its called f Candida krusei
according to the research here at this site https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1745-4557.1993.tb00272.x
The culture goes bad at 84 days
From the same work it sounds like they are making this culture with Alluminum foil as a cover that
is also going to cause an addtional heavy metal to come in contact which could affect the results.
"Robinson and Tamime (1990) consider that the “doming“ of aluminum foil
caps is a common sign of yeast activity. "
ALso mycoflora were discovered.
Streptococcus also was shown to be in among these shown in the bacterium (Yes this is strep throat)
This same bacteria that is used in genetic modification is known to sprout up in Kefir. To me this is saying
that it is easier to make major modifications to yourself through the use of mother nature. We do it all the time.
When I give this to my father in Law who has dementia he gets up ready to go. He puts his clothes on and belt and keys
I feel like it gives him energy and he is overall in a better mood. But he is a roamer when I give him too much so \
it is important to keep closer tabs when given this Kefer. Now that I know the risk is it good for my hair ??
Not only does it help your hair it helps prevent tooth decay and it also make your bones strong and healthy and if you add the Kefir directly to the scalp it can help hair regrow.
BUT I HAVE TO CONCLUDE THAT NO IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO PUT BAD MOLD IN YOUR BODY OR ON YOUR HAIR BECAUSE OF STREP and we all know strep has a cousin called staph and Staph infections can easily turn into flesh eating bacteria !
Some side effects of staph.
Of course there are many other things that we gamble with on a regular basis
that could also cause this such as under cooked
Chicken if you are throwing a hissy fit at the
Chicken place in your local town just know your dam chicke
"Swelling, possibly accompanied by a purplish rash.
Large, violet-colored marks that transform into blisters filled with dark, foul-smelling fluid.
Discoloration, peeling, and flakiness as tissue death (gangrene) occurs."
A facultative anaerobe is an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of switching to fermentation or anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent. An obligate aerobe, by contrast,
cannot make ATP in the absence of oxygen, and obligate anaerobes die in the presence of oxygen.
Beth Garvy check this
Reference about
Human Performance Optimization: The Science and Ethics of Enhancing Human Capabilities
Michael D. Matthews, David M. Schnyer
Oxford University Press, Dec 31, 2018 - Psychology - 464 pages