Saturday, March 21, 2020

Were Not going to lie down and die !

So this is a list of things I did to get better after bad viral infection.  
 First I looked up the virus I had and some of the common things I used to get my immune system back up. 

I have gone to the doc with a cold and they told me to just go home and take Mucinx. 

Organic Multivitimins 
Make sure it has the Iron and the magnesium 

Grocery List 

Vitamin C 
Immune Boost 
Vitamin B Complex 
Then cough drops 
Netti Pot 
Sea salt


Holy Basil
MCT oil used for keto diet coconut oil has antibacterial qualities.

Doc Visit when you still have green junk but you can look normal most of the day and your daily steps.  Be sure to download a pedometer. And see how many steps you take a day. When it goes from 20,000 to say. 
8,000 You know you are struggling. 

So the doc gives me ammoxacillan Shit Shit Shit
But I take it !!!
As soon as it's gone green flem back.
 So I change my diet no sugar no yeast +++vitamins +++Enzimes +++antivirals.

This is when I was trying to stay better without any antibiotics the Green goop returned with a vengeance and now antibiotics have taken there tole on my body. Due to the candida. For a second time. 

Think of candida as cancer causing and don't delay if you get a yeast infection to take care of that on top of the super mucus. 

Neti Pot was (use distilled water. )extremely helpful but at the cost of an ear infection. But The cavity rince is so imparative I wish I had just used sea salt instead of the Netti pot brand salt packs they really dried my whole sinus cavity out. So I would use a humidaphire and boil water for few hours. Till the windows fog up lol. 

I also had to end up using my facial exfoliator that vibrates to move that mucus down to drain out. 

Echnesia tea extremely  expensive and can cause diarea but it is extremely helpful at loosening this here unshakeable flem. 
Also dry and cracking lips I had some 

MCT oil put on my coffee to cote my throat and 
Any kind of hot tea is good I read something about certain Enzimes killing the outer virus wall so I checked my cabinet for foods with Enzimes and because the salt was killing me so bad I stated gargling with some soy sauce because the Enzimes seemed to have a great effect on the virus. Most Enzimes are in fermented foods. 

Soy sauce 

 Basically I started eating a lot more healthy food. When the doc gives you Antibiotics you have to take preventive measures. So not only can you eat yogert for the clearing up of excess yeast you can also cut down on breads and sugar that turns into garbage in your body feeding the yeast.The food we eat today is not as good for you as it was 20 years ago. Therefore it seems to take a lot more work to get yourself into a state of stong immune system after being sick and taking antibiotics. Monsanto and other companies taken all the nutrients out of seeds that help them to grow. 

This is so that you have to keep buying or buy seeds you cant just throw that seed into water and germinate it . It has been Genetically modified to keep you from making money off their seeds. They literally tried to make it so that no fruits or veggies are able to be regrown but this requires taking quite a lot of nutrients out of the foods. So be sure to take vitamins. Even if you feel like your pee is too expensive. Well its necissary to rebuild your immune system. Remember this when you are taking in fruits and veggis trying to boost your immune system. It will take more than it did before! Also because the virus strains are always changing it makes them harder to treat they are becomming resistant so I used to wait till I was done taking antibiotics before I started using probiotics and now I hold out as long as I can but thats about 3 days. Ok at this point I need to say I am not a doctor I am just me and I like to know and had some time... too much time on my hands.

When your sick as hell and the doc don't give anti vitals to poor folks. Or really at all because they are so expensive and don't help that much. 
That's why all avenues are important because if the virus takes hold you could go onto sepsis and your organs will shut down. 


Suppliments Online may not be sold locally.

Cherry Ascerola 

 So you do the research; and its never how you want it to be the truth is always sooo much worse than you ever could have imagined. In college you learn how to find the truth on the net. Now you just have to look at many different sources and this will help you to find the truth. So up until just recently they really it was said there was no way to kill a virus while it was in the body. You can force it to go dormant. By taking Lysine Killing a virus could be dangerous just like killing a cancer cell has it invaded tissues in your lungs in your heart. Can you just kill it then?
I am trying to find out. Probably depends on your type of virus you have.

 In my cancer studies I did note there are some ways to kill cancer and it does not destroy all the cells and there are other cures that do kill off the cells without leaving a structure. 
Meaning if the cancer has encased your cells you need a cure that will cure the cell. Not distroy it. 

There was a man on you tube who killed his own cancer on his nose said it worked great but he had no idea just how painful it would be and he used some kind of folk remedy with black salve and there are just some environments cancer can not survive. so After struggling for months I find this thing about Enzymes can kill the cell lining of a virus. Enzymes.. So I ran to the kitchen googling enzymes and I had soy sauce. So I gargled with it instead of salt and once in addition to salt. I feel like it really did help. Basically I was looking for a way to break down that thick sinus drainage that keeps me from smelling and breathing walking faster and feeling better as well as other things like congestive .. ya know. I have a friend in the hospital right now, I wish I could tell her girl don't drink no sugar and eat a ton of enzymes. 

 Enzimes Honey Enzimes 
 It has helped me alot and I am taking it slow. Viruses also have the worst cures in the hospital. Why you may ask doesnt the dam doc just give me an antiviral??  Big pharma needs to be held to standards "survival standards" OK so back to the things that really help me feel better. Ok Tumeric Curcumin is a spice that is good for the brain and heart healthIt is best to get the NON gMO brands because you will have less toxins to weed out of your system, Holy Basil is really good for the respiratory system. I got some at Wal Mart but I bet the local heath food store probably has some better options to choose from. Also if you are trying to get better limit toxins. Even every day toxins like Fluoride , alcohol, aspartame in most gus and candy , sugars and yeasts of course.I have tried to add more healthy drinks that are antiviral such as Echnesi atea or elderberry I love garlic so I usually do a stew with lots of garlic and onions with red pepper and salt because this will help loosen up that thick congestion and Boiling water on the oven or using a humidifier or both will really help. "It found that those who took high doses of vitamin C supplements doubled their risk of getting a kidney stone. ...

 As we know, kidney stones are often composed of calcium oxalate. When excess vitamin C is excreted by the body, it is usually in the oxalate form, and this may lead to more stones."It is imparitive you take your vitamin C reguardlesss even if you take natural supplements one day and GMO the next Just try to take it everyday. I also got some vitamin C Now the vitamin C is good for you and will straight up kill cancer and build that immune system so good. But make sure if you are taking the best quality you can afford called Cherry Ascrola here is a link about that 
 More if about kidney stones.. 

 Still have not bought this but I am going to asap But I have been taking Vitamin C and Ginko as well as B COmplex to try to balance the suppliments and not take tooo many at one time When your throut is so dry you are having complete coughing spasms and you can control you unbearable cough I used MCT oil as well as honey in my coffee it not only coted my throat but it also enzimes are good for digestion and the linging of your everything is in gravvve danger so the more oftin you can cote your intestines with enzimes do it!!! tumeric info; 
Over here like its a PANDEMIC don't drink all the coffee brah

Monday, March 2, 2020

Personality test fun times

Although I did not really expect that it was fun to think I do teach a lot. I like to take a personality test every year or so and see how I change. Life has a way of pushing all your buttons. You will either get up and keep moving or you will faulter. The following chart shows your top 3 personality type matches. ENFJ - The Teacher Very Good Match ENFJs are idealist organizers, driven to implement their vision of what is best for humanity. They often act as catalysts for human growth because of their ability to see potential in other people and their charisma in leading others. ENTJ - The Commander Very Good Match ENTJs are strategic leaders, motivated to organize change. They are quick to see inefficiency and conceptualize new solutions, and enjoy developing long-range plans to accomplish their vision. ENTP - The Inventor Good Match ENTPs are inspired innovators, motivated to find new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious and clever, and seek to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround them. Your dominant energy style is Extraversion. Your responses were 66% consistent with a preference for Extraversion, and 34% consistent with a preference for Introversion. As an Extravert, you are primarily focused outward, on the world around you. You seek stimulation and activity and enjoy busy environments. You are energized by activity and by interacting with other people. You tend to be talkative and express yourself easily. want to experience the excitement of life. Extraverts enjoy: Interacting with people Being in busy surroundings Engaging with the outside world Expressing thoughts and feelings Being noticed by others Stimulation and activity Sensing vs. Intuition This dimension describes how you process information. Your preference for Sensing or Intuition indicates whether your style of thinking is straightforward, factual, and concrete, or creative, intepretive, and abstract. Sensors and Intuitives tend to be interested in different kinds of information, with Sensors more interested in facts and details, and Intuitives more interested in ideas. Although this is sweet and interesting it is far from my last scores and I had a little issue on the last page so I cant be sure if this is correct because some boxes I would not really have checked were the only options. SO I am going to take another one.