Masks are creating bacterial infections. When you wear mask and leave it in the car you do not wash it this causes bacteria to grow.
If you are in a hurricane prone area where some of your food is not getting cooled like it should due to power outages or lazy ass workers who refuse to floor basic protocol because they think the laws of nature don't apply to them. Youau experience salmonella or even listeria if you come in contact with under cooked food. Or food that has not been thrown out on time due to the shortage of business or employees.
I have picked up under cooked pizzas that I have had to put back in the over when I got the pizza home.
I have read about heat resistant salmonella which is not as easily killed off by 170 temp required.
Even though many people have the recipe for salt they can't use it OR don't because of their health conditions. but
"Due to its antibacterial properties salt has long been used as a preservative. Salt kills some types of bacteria, effectively by sucking water out of them. In a process known as osmosis, water passes out of a bacterium so as to balance salt concentrations on each side of its cell membrane."
When yoor lazy ass calls 8nto work every day you leave the other employees to do all your work and corners are cut.
On TikTok you can see some of the things employees are exposing to show you additional reasons weay be sick AF.
For example places are donating their rotten and bad food back to the plantations where they have the animals then they just take those plastic bags and all and throw them on a mill that takes it out to the animals and they eat it plastic and all but because they break it down into the sawdust like you know food for the animals so it looks like just regular old dust but really it's got the plastic and all kinds of soured breads and this is what they're feeding the animals that we're eating.
On top of that we have the masks which will give you a bacterial infection quite fast if the mask isn't affecting your lungs or your throat or anything of that nature it may indeed be affecting your face so if you do become seriously broke out and you cannot get the acne to go away it could be because of an infection within your skin you can use alcohol to kill the bacteria or even vinegar.
Bacteria from masks gives you bacterial infection on your skin.
It is typically harmless, but when a sebaceous gland becomes blocked, it can start to reproduce and trigger an immune response, causing the pimple to become inflamed and grow larger. Popping pimples can cause an infection because bacteria can enter the wound, or it can rupture the pustule inside the skin.Mar 31,
I am doing this research because I've been to 25 funerals in my day and my baby sister is pregnant and I love her I don't want to see her sick
When you work for DoorDash you get to see all kinds of food being prepared You get to see just how slow people can be when they really want to piss you off...