It is a hard decision today to decided if college is for you it is a large amount of money and time that you may or may not turn out successful in the field you choose. Even worse what if you are successful but you just hate your job. Then you are stuck in your dreaded life choice because you have to pay the horrid costs of attending. If you are really smart you will do the research and find a way to pay. If you are greedy You will just jump right in so you can get that extra income every 9-10 weeks. Which can really help but is only a temporary solution. I took the courses and for my associates they were 100% a waste of time every course I took I could have easily taken the courses on youtube for free. Which btw is how I figured out how to pass the courses by watching harvard videos online free on youtube.
If it wasnt for those few jobs I had at the foreign owned hotels I could not have even understood the lesson of the foreign professor that helped me pass my courses.
Seeing all the racism today is a super downer. Seeing the people who think they know what they are supporting when they go to certain churches as well as organizations I cant believe how blind people are to the truth that slaps them in the face every day.
What does this have to do with college well the only real thing I learned in college was the importance of not being a racist and I never have been because I was bullied as a child and I can not stand that kind of hater mentality. But when you work all week and then you show up to the online school board and you have to answer completely stupid ethics questions that you have known the answer to since you were 3 years old and your paying 1,000-1,200 dollars for this course you pretty much are going to say what ever you think the teacher will give you an A for. That is unfortunate but some times your GPA is more important than what you believe. I have some pretty stong feeling about some things. But when you are the last person posting on a ethical question and you know you will have to get 3 to 4 really good comments in to make the grade you may choose to be the devils advocate to step out of your shoes and put yourself in someone elses shoes especially if you know your teacher is going to grade you a certain way.
This is why you should go to college because you have to learn to think outside the box. I am glad that sometimes as I was looking at the assignment and seeing what everyone else wrote I decided to take the opposite side. For example although I am completely against data mining and I will not even give a pharmacy my info for a medication price quote when I am in screaming pain. I will and have literally drove 45 min and waited another hour for my medication because I am against data mining. But when no one can see the good in it then I feel the need to share my personal experience and this is where people get really bent. I said, As a sales associate my boss did use data mining to obtain good leads off the internet which helped me make some sales and helped me feed my family. Of course I made it sound like hypothetical famliy of 5 that needed the food not just little ol me that wanted to go buy canvases and art supplies. But if that is what people need to not be so narcistic as to think if my phone rings again by another sales associate bill collecting skag I am going to completely freak out on them. Do you really have to go work as a telemarketer to know that it is not right to scream at people trying to make the ends meet.
Well education may not change your mind you may be like the other hags in my class that completely tore me down and ripped me a new one for even suggesting that people need to make money.
Now through EdX you can learn many things for free.
I am so excited to say that there are many colleges that are letting people get educated if they want to for free. In my mind this is a sign that the people of the higher universities can see that people do not want to work hard anymore they want everything handed to them. So basically they are giving it away for free to those of us willing to learn.... I am ok with that People like me who feel that mediocre jobs can be replaced by robots will make it completely obsolete. If a doctor can be replaced during brain surgery to ensure that your doctors hands are not shaking due to the coffee they drank earlier that day none of our jobs are safe. Thats ok because its just a few years out for completely different thinking sustainable enegy is attainable, TESLA and there are many other ways that we can survive without having to struggle for years before being able to see what we want to do because the course work is free and we can take the courses with no worry of failing out and not having the money to pay to get back on track.
In short yes go to school and find what you are passionate about.
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